Saturday, 1 February 2014

PRODUCT REVIEW: Neutrogena pink gapefruit daily scrub

For me, I must admit I don't really have a "beauty regime", if I am honest I don't even know where to start. Face wipes, makeup and the occasional use of moisturizer are about as far as I go when it comes to caring for my skin. However, since I have been reading more and more beauty blogs I have started to realise how important it is to look after your skin and so last week I took a leap and bought a daily scrub. I didn't really know what I was looking for as I stared at the endless amounts of face washes and exfoliators on offer, if I am honest the only reason I bought this is because it was pink and smelt good! This product really is useful though, I tend to suffer from a few blackheads and spots here and there, and since using the exfoliator it has left my skin not only clearer, but so so soft! With some exfoliators the solution can sometimes feel a little 'grainy' and can be rough and harsh on the skin, but with this I didn't think it was too tough on my skin at all, yet has reduced my blemishes and dry skin patches within just a week of use. The product also smells so beautiful. The only downside of this product however is that I can sometimes suffer from oily skin, and have to powder my nose and chin areas half way through the day, and I have found that my skin has become more oily since using this product. I have however decided to stick with using this product morning and evening, twice a day as it smells & looks great, is effective and cheap! I would definitely recommend this... what's your favourite skin care product? Any recommendations? :)
Neutrogena Visibly clear pink grapefruit daily scrub- £3.99- ASDA


  1. I used to use this! It smells lovely and isn’t too harsh on the skin!

  2. mmm i love the smell of grapefruit :D

    hope we can follow each other :D
    Please follow my blog ‘Heylinni’ at:
    I will gladly follow you back!!! Us bloggers need to support each other :) x

    1. Me too! I used to love the body shop pink grapefruit lip balm so I thought I would give this a go, it smells so great! I will head over to your blog now :) x

  3. It sounds so nice and cheap in price <3

    I cannot use scrubs that are too harsh on skin.

    1. Me neither, I have quite sensitive skin so I have to be careful about what I use on my skin, really recommend this one! :)


Thank you for all of your lovely comments, I will reply as soon as possible! ♥