I don't think I've actually ever gone this long without posting on my blog, and for those of you who read my blog regularly, I apologise! I have totally neglected my blog, but don't worry, i'm back!
There have been many reasons as to why I haven't been posting. However, the key reason is as many of you know I am in my final year of university, and for any of you who have gone through university and come out the other side, you will know just how hard final year really is. Therefore, I just haven't had the time to put content together! I'm all done and dusted now, so I pinky promise to get back into blogging!
When I actually came to writing my comeback post, it made me realise how long I've actually been away, I didn't know where on earth to start, so much has happened! So I thought, we may as well have a catch up...
I FINISHED FINAL YEAR... I may not have graduated yet but final hand-ins and exams are done.and.dusted. I am 100% free and it feels so good.