Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Featured in...

A couple of months ago I was contacted by a blogger and student who was writing an article for The University Paper- a newspaper which is also accessible online and is available in universities across the country. The article was for a competition and she based it on how blogging has changed the university experience of 4 student fashion bloggers, also what your uni style is! So of course I agreed to be interviewed by @ellapoyzer along with other bloggers including @ward_jules , @Rosy_Smiles , and @LaurenMKelly_.

Her fantastic article was chosen to be published, it really is a great read so check it out! You can find it at http://issuu.com/theuniversitypaper/docs/up_jan15_digital_edition_liverpool?e=0/10803604 :)

what to do you think? Leave me a comment below! :) 
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  1. Ah that's amazing, well done! I love your outfit for a night out response, leggings and crop top is so effortless and looks good for most bars and clubs. I pretty much always wear heels but I put some flats in my bag for when I'm stumbling to the night bus!!


    1. Oh I completely stick by leggings and a crop top, such an easy last minute outfit! X

  2. Well done! How amazing!

    Your blog is stunning!



  3. Wow, that's brilliant. Well Done!! Just read the article and your advice on blogging is just right. Thinking carefully about what to blog about planning/scheduling posts is the key to making sure you have great content andthat you don't run out of ideas.



    1. Definitely! I swear by planning and scheduling posts, it's so great when you have a 'can't be bothered to blog day' because you already have a post scheduled! X


Thank you for all of your lovely comments, I will reply as soon as possible! ♥