Tuesday, 17 February 2015

My Valentines Weekend

Yet again, this post is a tad late. But as I said I was spending the weekend with my boyfriend so I just didn't have the time to get this post put together! You probably already know that my relationship is pretty long distance, like over 300 miles of long distance, so this weekend was extra special as I don't really get to see Kyle that much. I literally had the best valentines day, he came up on Friday evening and Saturday we woke up to each other's prezzies (I will show you what I got below), then we decided to go to York for the day, it's kind of a special place for us so what better place to spend valentines day?! We never really go all out for valentines day but we did do a little shopping, ate quite a few dinky donuts, braved the freezing cold, and had a delicious Pizza Hut for tea. When we got back we spent the evening watching take me out, ordered more takeaway and I personally consumed a little too much rose, oops. Sunday we went to see the Kingsman at the cinema, I know what you're thinking, you went to the cinema and didn't see fifty shades?! I'm going at the weekend with my girls haha. But to end the day we had a little mooch around the shops before he left for his train, a short but lovely weekend! 

Anyway, on with the prezzies.....
These are literally the best valentines day presents I have recidved, it may not look like much but we never really make a big deal of buying expensive presents for valentines day and prefer to treat each other massively for Christmas and birthdays. I think it's always more special when a lot of thought goes into the presents rather than money! 

Right now my blog is practically an advertisement for LUSH products, I CANT HELP MYSELF. I love everything from that store it's all so pretty and smells gorge! This set in particular includes the heartthrob bubbleroon, love locket ballistic and Cupid's love soap. I cannot wait to try these out!

Shock, it's a LUSH product. I literally spotted this a couple days before Valentines day and posted a picture on Instagram, how cute are they?! And thankfully Kyle got the hint and surprised me with one, I bet this is going to make my bath look ridiculously girly! 

I don't actually know where this is from, but who doesn't want a teddy bear and some chocolate on valentines day?!

This was such a lovely surprise, I love having photo frames around my room to add my own personal touch, this frame is just the cutest and I am such a huge fan of rose gold/ copper colours right now which makes it perfect! The sentimentality behind this gift is also so cute, he told me we had to take a valentines day picture to put in it, soppy I know!

I could quite happily eat my own body weight in haribos, so yet again this gift was spot on!

I would absolutely love to know how you spent valentines day, and hear about any gifts you received, leave me a comment below! :) 


  1. Such a sweet post, sounds like you had a lovely weekend :3

    alice x | beautybyalicee | Bloglovin' | YouTube

  2. Aww so cute that you got spoilt!

    Candice | Beauty Candy Loves

  3. Aren't you so lucky! Sounds like such a cute weekend x

  4. Spending time with each other is so treasured when you live a great distance from each other! Glad you had a lovely valentines day together, some great prezzies!

    Alice // alicephillipss // A Beauty and Lifestyle Blog

  5. Sounds lovely and it's so nice you got to spend a weekend together.
    It's great to see other people feeling the love this Valentines!




  6. Awh what a pair of cuties! Sounds like you had a lovely time - it must make it extra special having time together when you're long distance. I don't know what I'd do with myself if my boyfriend lived far away from me, I guess it makes the bond that little bit stronger. xx


  7. You got totally spoilt - so many cute gifts, especially the photo frame and Lush bits. Glad you had a lovely weekend too :) xx


Thank you for all of your lovely comments, I will reply as soon as possible! ♥